
Upcoming KNEC Assessment Tests: Order Now from Signal Publishers!

  • Format 1: Full Colour

This format will be printed on WHITE BOND PAPER, to ensure that pictures, diagrams, and illustrations are clear and easy to understand, providing an enhanced experience for all learners. We highly recommend this format.

Why Choose Full Colour?

For learning areas and strands where visual clarity is essential, the full-colour option on bond paper will be ideal. This format is especially recommended for learning areas in which diagrams, maps, and other illustrations are critical in helping learners grasp concepts with ease.

  • Format 2: Black & White

The second format will be printed on regular newsprint paper, this option will offer a more affordable alternative while maintaining the same high-quality content and structure of the tests.

Advance Booking.

How to Place Your Orders;

Signal Publishers is determined to equip learners with the best possible resources. By offering both affordable black-and-white and high-quality full-colour formats, we aim to cater to the varying needs of schools, learners, and educators across the country.

Don’t miss out!

“Igniting Thinking”

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