Mr. Difference, A Game Changing Junior School Complementary Companion

Signal Publishers Introduces a new CBC complementary concept dressed in the title “Mr. Difference”. Books in Mr. Difference’s series aim to reform how learners, especially those in Junior School, interrelate with supplementary learning materials, deflecting from traditional cramming and memorization to constructive understanding and profound conceptualization of pertinent subject matters

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Navigating Success in Publishing: The Power of Quality Products

Signal Publishers’ journey to the top begins with a fundamental commitment to producing high-quality educational resources. In an era where the Competency-Based Curriculum demands innovative and learner-centric materials, Signal Publishers has consistently delivered. Our CBC course books, encyclopedias and supplementary resources stand as a testament to our dedication to excellence.

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How Historical “Education is Freedom” Blends with Signal’s “Igniting Thinking”

By promoting education and critical thinking, we work towards a world where individuals are free to pursue their goals and aspirations, and where society as a whole is more just, equitable and prosperous. This is the society where Historical “Education is Freedom” blends perfectly with Signals’ Igniting Thinking.

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