RESEARCH, ORIGINALITY, EFFICIENCY AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION remain nailed at the cradle of our operations over this long and busy second term. Every academic season, our collaboration with schools and educators in pursuit of scholarly excellence continues with upgraded vigor. Every working day, we strive to make learners more informed and equipped with appropriate knowledge and skills by developing widely researched and competent educational tools. In the course of our operational tenure, we never spare or let a single academic period go to waste. The spirit continues this second term by virtue of a series of goodies lined up from us. Below are some of what we have in store for you over the course of this long second term.
- Epic Discounts on KCPE Revision Books.
This being the final K.C.P.E year, we believe examiners will be more than determined to bring out their best by setting some of the most challenging papers ever. To help this year’s candidates familiarize with K.C.P.E setting trends, formats and possible puzzles, we shall give massive discounts on the few remaining copies of our K.C.P.E Revision Books. Signal K.C.P.E revision books have model K.C.P.E papers with all possible questions and approaches to questions well taken care of in the exact final examination format. These offers will be available at our offices and with our representatives across the country and shall run as long as stocks last. - Signal Forth KCPE Trial, and Assessment Tests
Signal Forth KCPE Trial is out and has been accompanied by code 004 Assessment tests for all other classes. Also already released is Signal JSS Assessment Test, forth trial- a well-researched paper developed to meet all assessment demands and expectations as outlined in the Competency Based Curriculum. Signal 004 exams, acts as the commonly referred to as opener exams and are meant to gauge learners’ knowledge and readiness for the long second term. - Signal Fifth KCPE Trial and Assessment Tests
Our Forth Trial will be followed by Signal 005 across board. These important exams and assessment tests will help teachers evaluate learners’ and most importantly, candidates’ learning progress and mastery of learning areas before the final exams. Signal 005 will help teachers recognize their candidates’ weak areas, re-imagine their teaching approaches and perhaps make necessary adjustments to their teaching methods and approaches. - Signal Sparks Prediction 2
Also coming this term, just after the forth K.C.P.E Trial, will be Signal Sparks Prediction 2. Signal Sparks brags of its top-notch predictability, that has been maintained and proved again and again over its lifespan. Sparks is an accurate reflection of the final K.C.P.E exam. Any serious school should never miss this significant paper, and especially this year that we are looking to close the KCPE chapter with a big bang. - Signal Sixth KCPE Trial and Assessment Tests
We shall then close the busy term with Signal 006 for all classes, which shall serve as the end term two examination. These exams and assessments will cover all areas learned over the course of first and second term, with the K.C.P.E trial taking the exact final K.C.P.E setting format.

We shall be communicating the exact release date of all these developments and shall pass appropriate and in-time information to give room for planning and scheduling by schools and educators. To echo our commitment to partnering with the academic community in promoting and achieving scholarly excellence, we remain focused and loyal to our company culture and working philosophy of “igniting thinking”. Let our efforts this term signify our determination to promote and foster quality education in Kenya and beyond.
Hongera sana.Great work!
Thank you Mr. Jackson
Hongera sana.Great work.